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It’s not an accident that you’re on this page reading this. I’m Dr. Kim K. Sanders, an Apostolic and Prophetic Voice in The Body of Christ. I’m also an Author, Entrepreneur, the Senior Leader of The House of Healing and Deliverance and the Founder of Kim K. Sanders International, Inc.
With all the chaos, and confusion that’s going on in the world, I wanted to create a community school and school where I can teach you how to maintain your peace and mental stability while learning how to establish kingdom principles in every area of your life.
In these trying times and evil days you’re going to need a pure, powerful uncompromising and unstoppable community of likeminded individuals, who knows how to authentically overcome the forces of darkness. With all the strange voices speaking in the world and churches today, you’re going to need someone who can teach you sound doctrine with the authority and truth of God’s Word.
Living a normal average life is no longer an option for the Believer. In these last days, as Believers we MUST have God’s SUPER on our natural in order to be sustained.
As an Ambassador for God, my heart is to teach you a higher level of learning and how to live a supernatural life. This will be accomplished by releasing every aspect of the Kingdom of God in your life so you can live in sweatless victory. God has legalized Higher Learning Christian University (HLCU) in the realm of the Spirit, therefore ALL OF HEAVEN is backing me as I pour into the lives I’m assigned to.
Your future depends upon who you allow to impart into your life. You need someone who is anointed to teach, equip and launch you into your “Definite DIVINE Purpose.” Allow me the privilege to be a part of your journey and lead you by example.
Say Yes To An Extensive Study of Higher Learning With Me…
- I am committed to giving you the very best of me!
- I will empower you with the tools you need to succeed, but it's up to you to do the work!
- I will give you winning strategies and strategic blueprints to produce nothing but the best! I will authentically labor to impart authenticity!
I hope you're READY for a University and Community like NO OTHER that will stretch and propel you into a high level of living!
It’s Your Time To Soar. Let's Unlock Your Full Potential Today!
 ~Dr. Kim K. Sanders